Thursday, October 26, 2006

March of The Tux

Or installing Linux the Simply mepis way. I am a big fan of the Linux ideal but never got it to work before. I had heard that it was getting more user friendly and had thought of giving it a try. Then a few days ago I read that Lightzone was free on Linux. For anyone who has not tried Lightzone or heard about it look it up you may as I did find it an absolutely superb image editor. It works to me in a more intuitive manor but on my laptop (P4 512ram) it was slowish under windows. So I tried ubuntu Linux but could not get it to work (my fault) so I tried Simply Mepis and then found a set of instructions to load it in the terminal window. So I have now got it to work.
What a difference Lightzone now zips along as do other graphical apps Ive tried but not evaluated enough to give an opinion. Lightzone is however one of the best photo apps I have ever used, if not the best. The zone mapping tool is absolutely superb. If your thinking of giving it a try I say do it just make sure all your valuable data is safe.

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