Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Headache-A new Cam

Looking for a new dslr but its so hard to decide which one, I have a great Minolta but even though the Sony is the logical choice I just dont fancy it and there lies the rub. I have one great lens for the Minolta and so Im not realy tied to the mount, also I dont realy need 10 megapix. So is there a clear stand out cam out of the rest well no not realy despite what all their respective fanboys say. There isnt realy a stand out not worth buying one either. Of the four other systems they all have some great points and a few bad ones.
The Canon has blistering fast AF a superb sensor and just because of Canons position is the safest bet, on the down side is cost good Canon lenses seem to cost more and the kit lens is the worst of the lot (only a temp prob though)and although I had a Canon stolen it is perhaps my least favoured option at this moment in time.
The Nikon has a lot going for it great range of lenses a well priced body that also feels solid and well made like the Canon it is a very safe choice. But Im not so sure of the viewfinder.
The Olympus gives great colours and has a self cleaning sensor, probably the best kit lens a realy light weight body. However it is more expensive to go wide and it is noisier at high isos (but this is of no wory to me).
Last there is the Pentax ths has the best viewfinder of the lot(even better than my Minolta. The AF is quite zippy and here are some lenses to die for. It also takes AA bateries which to me is a big big bonus. The main worry with it is will Pentax still be making cameras in a couple of years.
Now given that I can get almost any independant Lens in Nikon or Canon mounts the fewest in the Olympus mount and somewhere in the middle with the Pentax, But I can get all the Glass I want in all but the Oly mount and I can even use some old manual focus lenses on the Pentax with no impairment on the metering and that realy apeals.
The generic battery in the Pentax does apeal but so does the ease of swapping on all the others. I have a little Olympus point and shoot (C5050) and the coours out of it are superb as it seems are the colours out of the Oly dslr's. Both the Oly and Canon take Compact Flash cards and I have loads I have no SD cards but they are cheep now so I guess it does not matter. So My head goes round in circles deciding which one.

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